has opened up many of our syndication functions so that users and networks can create applications and widgets that use information we manage
This document and the APIs herein are subject to change at any time.
The API is currently under active development, and is particularly subject to frequent changes.
While API functions are versioned for continuity, API function versions may be removed at any time.
You must wait at least one second between queries when using the API. Excessive queries will result in automatic throttling.
Please watch for 503 errors and back-off appropriately. It means that you have been throttled.
Please set your User-Agent to something identifiable. Default identifiers like "Java/1.4.3" or "lwp-perl" etc may be banned from time to time.
The API currently has the following throttling limitations. Please note that you may query the API at least as many times as queries your webservers/API on any single day. The numbers below are 'overages'. Throttling is implemented based on 7 day averages -- so if you're making heavy use one day, and not the next -- don't worry, throttling should not kick in. If you're constantly making heavy use, you will probably experience throttling.
The information you see on isn't owned by - it belongs to the people who have entered it into the system. However, we pay the hosting/bandwidth bills-- so we have come up with the following crediting terms for accessing the data through We believe you will find them fair.
If you use the API to make a widget or applictation that you put on your blogs / profiles / etc, you MUST include a link to on the widget AND mention that is serving the data. When we do this internally, we link directly to the user's page on If you'd rather do the main page, you could -- but linking to the user record is perfectly acceptable. This applies when your widgets or applications DIRECTLY access the API for each display.
If you use the API to update your own store/cache of account information for users who are on both and your service:
The spirit of these terms is meant to allow our role to be transparent for all circumstances except being the primary or direct source of information to your users - we're here to help you build apps, but not cut down on your own hosting bills.
You are strongly encouraged to cache data locally
You must not include your own API User key in the code.
You are encouraged to register each version of your library/application with to get an API Application Key and encode an Application API key with each request. The application key helps us monitor "what's out there"-- so we don't deprecate functions used by popular applications, and we know who to notify in advance if we need to make a drastic change. You get 9 application/version keys by default. If you'd like more, just fill out a feedback request -- we'll get to you ASAP.
You are encouraged to provide self-throttling code, so that users of your library will not require throttling on our end.
You are encouraged to let us know in advance of any release ( , so we can have a heads-up and make any necessary optimizations beforehand.
Portions of the API Terms Of Service based on / inspired / copied from the API terms (