Get X newsfeed items from a global identity

Given a user's id ( 32 hex chars ) , will list 1-15 of the last global newsfeed items visible to that id

Required Query Args
  • api_key [string] - can be obtained from
  • findmeon [string] - 32 char hex id for identity
Optional Query Args
  • qty [int] - number of newsfeed items to return, 1-15 is valid, default is 5
  • js [bool] - return data as a javascript line
  • newsfeed - an array containing dictionary items of the following format
    • meta_timestamp - timestamp of entry
    • meta_originator_url - originating profile url of entry
    • meta_fmoid - originating findmeon hexid of entry
    • data - content of entry
Alternate Path
An alternate path is provided for use as a 'dynamic js' page element
Alternate Path - Example Usage
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Alternate Path - Example Result

The alternate path will return info such as this:

var fmo__newsfeed_%(findmeon_id)s = { json object };

As an example:

var fmo__newsfeed_AD96168A494C59A4FB5F7B6DC629022B = { "result":"success" , "newsfeed": [] };

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